International Alliance for Strategic Projects (IASP BRICS)
      major emerging economies in the world
      representative offices
      BRICS is an interstate association, an union of 10 major emerging economies of the world: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
      IASP BRICS is an organization that implements initiatives and decisions taken within the association. The main objectives of the Alliance are to promote international socio-economic development, the introduction of social and technological innovations and the development of international security
      Flags of the BRICS member countries
      V. V. Putin
      President of Russian Federation
      We are convinced that now the leadership of the BRICS countries in the development of a unifying, positive course on the formation of a truly multipolar system of interstate relations, based on generally recognized norms of international law and key principles of the UN Charter, has been convinced more than ever. At the same time, one can also count on the support of many countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, seeking to pursue an independent policy.
      Project types
      The above classes generalize the properties of projects. Real projects combine several classes.
      We serve infrastructure projects with a long planning horizon. In the case of working with international projects, we provide the necessary examination of the highest class, which allows you to conduct full planning and modeling of various forecast development scenarios for all involved countries.

      The system of parameters of sustainable development, created by participants in the alliance, allows you to take into account the whole complex of complex interconnected environmental, social and economic aspects that arise within the framework of this kind of projects.
      The alliance directorate and participants/partners have proper competencies in the implementation of socially advanced projects. A deep understanding of the foundations of long -term planning allows you to predict positive economic influence in the horizon for more than 20 years.

      We understand that social development is the most critical with the strategic position of the development of any territory, and human capital is the most valuable resource of the state.
      The alliance supports business projects, regardless of the territory of implementation and industry binding. The main factor is compliance with the principles of the BRICS Union and the interests of BRICS and BRICS+member countries.

      Having access to trusted professionals in the field of investment consulting and direct relations with financial institutions, we can ensure effective financing of any project, as well as choose safe partners for its implementation in another state.

      Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation
      S. V. Lavrov
      Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Sherpa of the Russian Federation in BRICS - official representative of Russia in BRICS
      S. A. Ryabkov
      Chairman of the Russian Public Council for International Cooperation and Public Diplomacy under the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
      Chairman of the Interstate Committee of the CIS for the spread of knowledge and adult education
      S. A. Ordzhonikidze
      E. M. Malitikov
      First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the International Public Fund "Russian Fund of the World"
      E.V. Sutormina
      The international alliance of strategic projects BRICS is engaged in the promotion of the development of international relations within the framework of the group on the basis of civil society, the business and cultural environment of member countries
      About Alliance

      Non-commercial "International Alliance of Strategic Projects BRICS" is a community of experts and specialists in the establishment and development of public international relations in various fields. One of the key tasks of the Alliance is help in selecting optimal partners and support for promoting international format projects, consistent with general BRICS programs

      IV 2022 Summit
      International Summit "Sustainable development scorecard for the BRICS and CIS countries"
      "Sovereignty and cooperation of states as a" gyroscope "in a multipolar world" is a summit that set a goal of searching for a decision in the issue of determining and achieving the concept of "sustainable development" in the building of the CIS Executive Committee in Moscow
      IV 2021 Anniversary
      5th anniversary of the international Alliance for strategic projects BRICS
      Ceremony on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the BRICS International Strategic Alliance and the Beginning of the International BRICS Intellectual Games Federation at the Radisson Collection Hotel Hotel in Moscow
      Experience shots