
International spiritual and patriotic plein air Abris "Sevastopol - spring 2024"

From April 1 to April 14, the International Alliance of BRICS Strategic Projects held the international spiritual and patriotic plein air Abris "Sevastopol - spring 2024" in the Hero city of Sevastopol. A group of fifteen artists worked for two weeks to create works of art based on historical places dear to the heart of every resident of Russia. These are places of the spiritual and heroic past of our country. The creative group included academicians of the Russian Academy of Arts, people's and honored artists of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of the Republic of Nigeria and Ethiopia.

The final exhibitions were held in the cities of Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don. Now the exhibition is in Moscow and is on display at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.