On September 29, 2022, within the framework of the international sports forum “Russia - Sports Power” in Kemerovo, an international round table was held on the topic: “Intellectual games as an instrument for the formation of an intellectual elite”.
The purpose of the event is to attract the attention of the general public of the BRICS countries (representatives of state authorities, business community, civil society, science and culture figures) to the issue of the need to develop a systematic approach in the educational process for teaching children, youth, students, adults, persons with limited the possibilities of intellectual games that form skills that contribute to systemic adaptation in a rapidly changing social environment.

The main topics of the round table:
- the influence of intellectual games on the formation of a worldview and building life strategies for children and adolescents from kindergarten to professional sports;
- prospects for the implementation of international educational, cultural, educational and sports projects on intellectual games;
- Intellectual games as an instrument of public diplomacy.

The round table moderator is Olkhovsky Roman Mikhailovich, adviser to the Minister of Sports of Russia, a member of the Public Council at the Ministry of Sports of Russia.
- Savoysky Alexander Gennadievich-Vice President of the International Strategic Strategic Project Alliance BRICS, President of the International Federation of Intellectual Games BRICS, Director of the Center for Intellectual Games of the International Inter-Civil City Organization "International Research Institute of Management Problems";
- Wang Hyking-the head of the Chinese-Russian cultural and educational center (Beijing, Dalyan, China), plenipotentiary representative of Brics Alliance in China;
- Fabiana Bentes-Chairman of the Sou Do Esporte sports organization (“I am from sports”) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil);
- Sanja Kapur-head of the Indian-Russian cultural and educational center (New Delhi, India), managing director of Brics Alliance in India;
- Musainkosi Elom Mdluli - plenipotentiary representative of Brics Alliance in South Africa (Durban, South Africa);
- Shonin Aleksey Sergeevich-vice-president of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, head coach of the Russian sports team;
- Silakovsky Maxim Yuryevich - Deputy President of the Federation of Tavreli of Russia for Sports Work;
- Polomoshnov Artem Anatolyevich - President of the Chess Federation of the Altai Territory;
- Nesterov Vladimir Gennadievich-Chairman of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Federation of Chinese chess of Syants;
- Savich Gleb Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the Kemerovo Branch of the Russian Federation.
Within the framework of the round table, a presentation of the Russian intellectual and sports game “Fatum” took place.

According to the results of the speeches, recommendations were prepared by the federal state authorities of Russia on the adoption of the following decisions:
- include in the educational schedule of basic general education “weekly hour of intellectual games”;
- develop standards for teaching intellectual games and approve them;
- develop a passport of the specialty “Coach-DELIVERENTER in Intellectual Games” and approve it;
- conduct an active information campaign in Moscow and the constituent entities of Russia that regular training on intellectual and sports games contribute to the mental development of children and youth;
- create children's and adult programs to popularize intellectual games on television and radio stations, to illuminate them in printed and electronic media.