2023-01-17 10:00 Countries Sport

Golden medal

January 11, 2023 In the city of Puna, India, Indian judoka Ishan Kanojia managed to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games of the state of Maharastra in India
January 11, 2023 In the city of Puna, India, Indian judoka Ishan Kanojia managed to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games of the state of Maharastra in India. The games were attended by the 8 best athletes of the state in this sport. The points of the winners of the Olympic Games are offset to receive the ICON State Prize (Chatrapati Prize).
The specified success of the Indian athlete and a significant extent became possible as a result of the efforts of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Mumbai, VEB.rf, Khemka Global, the International Sports Committee BRICS and coaches of Varisov Ruslan and Sablin Ilya as part of the training events that they held in Russia with an Indian athlete in November 2022