2023-02-23 10:00 Alliance Meeting

Representatives of Western and Central Africa in Moscow

A closed official business reception with an adviser to the President of the Central African Republic (TsA) and the president of the International Alliance Brics (ANO MASP BRICS)
February 24, 2023 from 18:00 to 22:00, as part of the preparation of the International Forum of Modern Bridge Technologies, the first meeting of the BRICS International Strategic STRISTIC OF Strategic Projects will be held with representatives of Western and Central Africa governments.
The main topic of the meeting will be the discussion of ways of international cooperation in the field of development and implementation of innovative technologies, as well as measures to support promising startups and projects with the potential for scaling to African countries. The meeting participants will sign an agreement on cooperation as part of the International Modern Bridge Technology Forum from April 13 to April 15, 2023.
The representative of the BRICS will be the president of the International Alliance of Strategic Projects BRICS, an expert of the Russian Federation at the UN Zelentsova Larisa Nikolaevna.
The African delegation will be headed by public and political figures:
  • George Guuguay-Minister-adviser of the President of the Central African Republic for project monitoring, chief coordinator of General Delegation of Major Works and Strategic Investments (DGGGTIS);
  • Don-Mello Senin Ahua Jacob is a representative of the Brics International Alliance in West and Central Africa, the vice-president of the new party Loran Gbagbo, who is responsible for the development of the party in Africa and the promotion of panapricanism.
The International Forum of Modern Bridge Technologies, as well as projects and startups of the forum participants, will present:
  • Anisimov Arthur Sergeevich - founder of the forum and holding "Bridge", organizer of international technological events and entrepreneur;
  • Melnikov Yakov Viktorovich - Vice President of the “International Strategic Brics Strategic Assistance” for IT and PM, head of the portfolios of international class projects (IPMA) and co -founder of the Bridge forum and holding.
As part of the meeting, there will be a welcome buffet with soft drinks and snacks for media representatives and participants in the meeting.
Invited guests: Russian and international media, leaders of companies and projects of the Bridge forum participants with the potential for scaling to Africa countries, experts.


Date: February 24, 2023
Time: 18: 00-22: 00 (Moscow time)
Address: “House of the Union of Architects”, conference room, 3rd floor. Pomegranate Lane, house 12, entrance through the 1st entrance

  • 16:00 Installation of the press of oxen, table covering and setting up equipment
  • 17:00 Installation time for the collection for the media
  • 17:30 GIVE ABOUT
  • 18:00 The beginning of the press conference. Representation of participants.
  • 18:05 President Maspe Brix
  • 18:20 Speech by the African delegation.
  • 18:50 Answers to media questions.
  • 19:10 Presentation of the Bridge forum from the organizers.
  • 19:40 answers to media questions.
  • 19:50 Signing of cooperation agreements between “international alliance, strategic projects BRICS”, the Central African Republic and “Bridge EXPO”.
  • 20:10 Collective photo shoot and video interview of participants
  • 20:30 Networking. Buffet.
  • 22:00 ending the event. Dismantling of equipment.